TEXP Staff

This section is dedicated in memory to the Totally Expendable Personal Staff Members who aided Amateur Investigators over the years.

TEXP Staff Member #1
Specialized in evidence gathering. In 2002, there was an unforeseen accident with a 1800’s safe while investigating a haunted bank. He will be greatly missed.

TEXP Staff Member 2
Specialized in photo and video capture. In 2002, while investigating a crop circle on a farm in Ontario he mysteriously disappeared in a beam of light. Origin of the light remains unknown. He will be greatly missed.

TEXP Staff Member #3
Specialized in surveying. In 2003, while collecting soil samples he was suddenly swallowed up by the earth. He will be greatly missed.

TEXP Staff Member #5 to 31
Due to a lack a space, the remaining TEXP staff members are all being shown in this one photo. They will all be greatly missed.