TEXP Staff Member #1
Specialized in evidence gathering. In 2002, there was an unforeseen accident with a 1800’s safe while investigating a haunted bank. He will be greatly missed.
TEXP Staff Member 2
Specialized in photo and video capture. In 2002, while investigating a crop circle on a farm in Ontario he mysteriously disappeared in a beam of light. Origin of the light remains unknown. He will be greatly missed.
Specialized in photo and video capture. In 2002, while investigating a crop circle on a farm in Ontario he mysteriously disappeared in a beam of light. Origin of the light remains unknown. He will be greatly missed.
TEXP Staff Member #3
Specialized in surveying. In 2003, while collecting soil samples he was suddenly swallowed up by the earth. He will be greatly missed.
Specialized in surveying. In 2003, while collecting soil samples he was suddenly swallowed up by the earth. He will be greatly missed.
TEXP Staff Member #5 to 31
Due to a lack a space, the remaining TEXP staff members are all being shown in this one photo. They will all be greatly missed.
Due to a lack a space, the remaining TEXP staff members are all being shown in this one photo. They will all be greatly missed.